Protesting L. Ron Hubbard Way

Hollywood, CA. Scientology Information Center

The doors remain closed at the Scientology’s Information Center on Hollywood Blvd, following months of people live streaming their objection to the controversial religious status of The Church of Scientology. 

The disdain for the organization does not come unwarranted. There are multiple outcries from ex scientologists, investigative reports uncovering previously buried secrets, and multiple documentaries informing the public of the truth behind Scientology. 

Taohyun and His Stance Against Human Trafficking

Tao and Hollywood Aja protesting at The Blue Building

Many controversies have been linked to the tax exempt agency, but activities of human trafficking have garnered the attention of a young activist going by Taohyun on social media app, TikTok. 

A Google search of, “Scientology and human trafficking” will bring up 274,000 results in 0.30 seconds, most notably the case brought up against David Miscavage where federal Florida judge cited First Amendment protection of Scientology’s practices, allowing a human trafficking lawsuit to be reviewed internally.

As people like Tao continue to display their disapproval for Scientology, the tenuous relationship with LAPD has affected the safety of those practicing their right to peacefully assemble, a right also protected under the First Amendment. 

Livestreamer Condfient Chriss is Attacked

Even during the onset of storms across the Southern California region, live streamer, Confident Chriss made it out to the Blue Building, sitting on l Ron Hubbard Way. He said his goodbyes to fellow protestors and was eager to get out of the pouring rain. Chris took cover in a nearby building, joking with his followers about his drenched shoes and soon began making his way to his car. In the video stream, a man could be heard asking for money when suddenly Chris was attacked, leaving people on the other end of the screen witnessing in real time as his face quickly moves out of frame and the phone falls to ground, with only a black screen and the ambient sound of the rain.

Within seconds, his followers alerted nearby protestors, and Tao, Danny, Leah, rushed to find him, viewers aiding in finding him by describing buildings visible before the attack.

LAPD’s Response Time

Photo taken from TikTok Danny.sos shows the computerized aid dispatch from LAPD, just seven minutes prior to when Confident Chris was attacked.

Tao describes the police support as lackluster, lacking both urgency and empathy, but he alludes to something just as concerning - a picture of the responding officer’s CAD, computer-aided dispatch. CADs are meant to provide responding officers important details like the time of the call, location, and summary of the incident being reported. 

The CAD for the responding officer the night Chis was attacked, included his YouTube account, ConfidentChriss and summarized the person reporting (PR) feared for the safety of Scientologists as Chris was acting erratic for increased viewership.

Was Scientology behind the attack?

The situation in Hollywood has always been muddled with suspected police relationships with scientology, but has now become even more murky as former Scientologist, Aaron Smith Levin, suggests Scientology is orchestrating attacks as part of their Fair Game policy. 

Although there is no direct evidence supporting Aaron’s claim, many ex-scientology have spoken about Fair Game and is listed in founder, L. Ron Hubbard’s teachings.

The homes, property, places and abodes of persons who have been active in attempting to: suppress Scientology or Scientologists are all beyond any protection of Scientology Ethics, unless absolved by later Ethics or an amnesty ... [T]his Policy Letter extends to suppressive non-Scientology wives and husbands and parents, or other family members or hostile groups or even close friends.
—  L. Ron Hubbard, HCOPL 23 Dec 65, Suppressive Acts - Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists – The Fair Game Law

The Plight Against the Organization Continues

Live streamer, EZ, reacts to Scientology copyright music playing on the loud speakers on L. Ron Hubbard Way.

Activists continue their plight against the organization using tactics like perceived police intimidation, physical assaults, and even having their content reported for copyright infringement if their videos catch the scientology music booming from the building’s speakers. But with an immense amount of international attention and public interest, what is Scientology’s next counter move?

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