La Poubelle’s Public Hearing Notice

The infamous French restaurant La Poubelle is petitioning for a permit to serve liquor out on the patio past 12AM, as per the current permission from the city.

The Associate Zoning Administrator overseeing the request is Jordan Turner from the Office of Zoning Administration. Contact information is 213-978-1318.

To report violations, please click here.

Below is a sample you can use:


I want to report an incident I witnessed on March 27, 2024 at 9:25 pm.

According to the CASE NO. ZA-2023-728- CUP for this address. The following conditions were violated:

16. Complaint Log. A telephone number and email shall be provided for complaints or concerns from the community regarding operations. The phone number and email address shall be posted at the following locations:

  1. Entry, visible to pedestrians

  2. Customer service desk, front desk or near the hostess station

25. Smoking tobacco or any non-tobacco substance, including electronic smoking devices, is prohibited in or within 10 feet of the outdoor eating areas per Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 41.50 B 2 C. This prohibition applies to all outdoor areas of the establishment if the outdoor area is used in conjunction with food service and/ or the consumption, dispensing or sale of alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages.

To submit public correspondence, email:

Download La Poubelle’s December 2023 Permit


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