Daniel Gonzalez From Danny’s Impact Takes on a TRO in the Name of The First Amendment

Daniel Gonzalez and Leah Gaytan in Chicago, Illinois

From Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles jail

When Danny Gonzalez woke up on the morning of March 9, 2024, he did not think that in 10 hours time he would be arrested and have to spend three nights in jail. Reeling back from a week-long cross country road trip from Chicago, Illinois where he joined fellow protesters in the wake of a third Scientology organization opening, Gonzalez contemplated gas prices and much needed rest.

As he was unloading the car when he was alerted that a fellow protester was being harassed by LAPD, yet again and in solidarity, he and his partner, Leah Gaytan, were on the road again towards a much closer destination, Hollywood. 

The series of events would be the foundation of a baseless TRO case that would end up costing thousands of dollars.

“Scooter Guy”

Upon every daybreak and late evening hours, buses and vans go in and out of garages and parking lots on L. Ron Hubbard Way taking members of the Sea Org, an order within the church of Scientology who must live communally, to their assigned station, making it a popular spot for protesters to convene. 

On the afternoon of March 9th 2024, one elderly Scientologist on a scooter drove directly into Gonzalez and when Gonzalez steered the scooter away, “Scooter guy” as he would later be known by, called the police. Gonzalez was charged with attempted burglary and LAPD enhanced the charge to a hate crime, making Gonzalez ineligible for bail and forcing him to spend three nights in jail. The Los Angeles District Attorney ultimately dismissed all charges.

Two influential protesters are served TROs (temporary restraining order)

The evolution of Scientology critics may very well be something to be studied as protesters decided to build encampments next to Big Blue, the unofficial Western Headquarters of Scientology. Within the first three days on June 4th 2024, two well known streamers, Gonzalez being one, were served TROs and forced out of the encampment. 

On June 27th 2024, Gonzalez went live to speak on everything that occurred in court including his distaste for his lawyer, a lawyer hired and paid for by a viewer going by the name of 86GOP, later being revealed as David Comer, a known friend to Aaron Smith Levin, a former Scientologist, co-founder of The Aftermath Foundation, and more recently, founder of The SPTV Foundation. Comer’s financial influence and proximity to the movement, caused many to question his personal stake, having invested tens of thousands of dollars via YouTube super chats and personal donations to the protesters, including the lawyer from Manshoory Law Group hired to represent Gonzalez.

Court room deals

Conspiracy theories and interpersonal conflict were laid to rest by Gonzalez in his live stream as he thanked Comer for his support and cited his dislike for the lawyer’s suggestion to take a deal presented by Scientology lawyer Kendrick Moxon where Gonzalez would have to keep his distance from Big Blue, indefinitely, essentially relinquishing his right to protest on L. Ron Hubbard Way.

In a matter of seven days, Gonzalez garnered support from the public and raised the $10,000 needed to hire a lawyer with the right background and who’d gone through this exact scenario and not only came out a victor, but won an anti-SLAPP suit for well known activist and first amendment auditor, William Gude. 

The case is ongoing and will certainly set precedent for Scientology protests in using restraining orders to impede on the First Amendment.


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