Old Town Pasadena Experiences Protests Against Scientology

The Scientology protests have come to Old Town Pasadena

Over the weekend, Sergeant C. Allen, from the Pasadena Police Department, informed a protester going by the name of MDMEDIA18 on YouTube, that they were committing vandalism against the city by using chalk on the sidewalk. After walking in and out of the Church of Scientology building, officers took pictures of the chalk and the posters, letting MD know they would be writing a report and the city attorney may pursue charges.

This isn’t the first time vandalism by chalk saw its day in court. In 2013, a jury in San Diego found a protester “not-guilty” for writing messages in chalk on the sidewalk. Another case in San Diego, UCSD attempted to bring felony vandalism charges against students for using chalk on the property for protesting against union issues. 

Will the Pasadena Police Department be another pawn like LAPD’s Hollywood Division?

Sergeant Allen also let MD know the Church of Scientology in Pasadena would be pursuing a restraining order. The Pasadena Police Department may not be familiar with ANTI SLAPP laws that protect citizens against meritless lawsuits that threaten freedom of speech, but critics of Scientology are aware and well versed in their First Amendment Rights. 

Protests against Scientology have been fully fledged in the city of Los Angeles, with LAPD Hollywood Division involved in much of the backlash for their close relationship with Scientology. False 911 calls have forced firefighters to rush to scenes only to find out the calls were bogus. LAPD officers, deemed Scientology cops for their ties with the organization, arrive on scene making false arrests or responding to multiple SWATTING calls.

Is the City of Pasadena ready to protect protesters against Scientology? Or will they be another pawn on the wrong side of history? 


Pasadena City Attorney, Michele Beal Bagneris

Pasadena Police Department Command Staff - Eugene Harris

Pasadena Police Department Command Staff - Art Chute

The City Attorney, The Office of the Mayor, and the Pasadena Police Department have not yet responded to questions.


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